COVID-19 and the Hospitality Industry: We are all in this together


Covid-19 and the Hospitality Industry

As an industry specializing in live events, the worldwide pandemic, Covid-19, has been catastrophic for so many of us. Where many other businesses are able to pivot or take their services online this is not possible for businesses who provide and cater for in–person events. The uncertainty around how long this period of social isolation will last is adding to the anxiety and financial pressure on hotels, vendors, and other service providers. 

How we respond matters

So what do we do? Panic serves no-one. There is nothing to be gained from speculating. Overload on news and media surrounding Covid-19 can cause more undue stress in an already stressful situation.  Likewise, we are all responsible for the information we put out into the world and the information that we share.  If you see a post and feel like it is scaremongering or you’re not 100% sure it’s factual, don’t share it. Misinformation can be damaging to those who are already incredibly anxious and frightened.  It only takes one loud noise to start a stampede.

During this time we need to stay positive, help our neighbors and join together as a community - virtually, of course.   We need to focus on finding ways to help those whose circumstances are far worse than our own and offer help. Be the ray of hope.    

The hospitality industry is one built on showing love, care, concern and support for customers. We now need to look at our “internal customers”  – our housekeepers, restaurant servers, chefs, banquet servers and see how we can lend a helping hand when they need it most. If you need help or you know someone who does - reach out.

What can you do if you’re not working?

What can you do if you’re not working? Why not work on your comeback marketing plan! How about taking an online class to learn a new skill that you’ve talked about for years!  What about those projects you always meant to do, but never got around to because you didn't have the time?  Now is the time for planning and strategy and, when the time is right, you will be prepared to market and promote your services again.  

Skill sharing is another idea that may help keep other businesses afloat during these difficult and uncertain times. Collaborating with others may be more important now than ever. 

Don’t add to the panic. Formulate a solution. 

Community over competition

Think long term. Position yourself as helpful and reap long term gains over short term profits.

We will get through this. Recovery may be slow but we will survive.

Stay positive. This crisis won’t last forever. We may feel the economic and cultural repercussions for a while but we will bounce back. Some businesses may not survive, but that doesn’t mean the end of the road for the business owner. You built your business once, you have the skills, experience, and connections to start again.

We survived the economic aftermath of 2001, the market crash of 2008 and we will survive this. 

We are all in this together!